Tim Grice’s Slideshare presentation, ” Advanced SEO strategies For 2012” gives some tips that you can apply to your SEO today. Tips include, but are not limited to:

  1. Use in content links whenever possible. These are easily defensible and more relevant.
  2. Use variation in your anchor text and related searches through Google, this can add value and avoid filters.
  3. Correctly use the news strategy by starting with regular updates, agree on the commentary, rewrite the content, incorporate your brand, publish through news sites, push stories to reliable blogs, become syndicated, use social media to spread your story, and finally keep an eye on alerts for link opportunities.
  4. This strategy works because it allows for a natural flow through the internet.
  5. Use image search to pursue linking sites.

Check out Tims post to view the entire Slideshare presetation and let us know if you found any useful tips that you were not already using.