
Social Media Icons, including Facebook, are now located towards the bottom of every non-blog page of the site, and we will be working on integrating social media with the blog, which I would like to become a bit more active, as I have not been blogging on any of the other blogs in quite some time.

Facebook Integration

In an effort to use Facebook as a marketing tool, and to develop our Facebook marketing skills, we are integrating the site with Facebook and other Social Media sites as much as possible.  This includes:

  1. The Facebook badge at the bottom of every page of the non-wordpress site.
  2. The Facebook widget in the sidebar.
  3. Like boxes after posts.
  4. Including Facebook comments. I may decide to use strictly Facebook comments and disable regular comments..time will tell.
  5. Additionally, we installed the Open Graph Protocol  (OG Code) on the home page only and on the blog. This will enable the website to appear in Facebook search results as if it were a Fanpage. Go to the OG Code Facebook Developers page to learn about  OG Code. Additionally, I found a BlindFiveYearOld.com page on Facebook Search to be really helpful.[/fbliked]

Custom FanPage

I have also been working on the Baldydog Fanpage to make it a little more interactive. This includes regular updates of useful content such as info about SEO, Social Media Marketing tips, and the like as well as general info about developments with Baldydog as a company.  Just to be clear, I never claimed to be a designer, so the custom fanpage I created may be changing if we ever get time. Suggestions for others on creating custom fanpages:

  1. Create a custom welcome page..Google “free custom fanpages” to find a ton of free services using Facebooks iframe technology which essentially embeds another website within Facebook to give you a custom page.(more on this later)
  2. Add a Facebook picture that takes up the full space instead of  a small little square icon.
  3. Add pictures to your home page that add a bit of style not just random pictures. In this I am referring to  the right of the main profile at the top of the wall page.
  4. Add more pages or tabs to include specials, free giveaways(contests), coupons and the like. If your Fanpage is for a restaurant, you could make one tab a menu tab.
  5. I also read somewhere that you should include a link to your website at the beginning of the ” About” section for your pages info.

This is by no way a complete custom fanpage tutorial. What fanpage resources can you recommend?

1 thoughts on “Facebook Integration

  1. sanjasharma

    Facebook is best way to submite site details and communcate with peoples. I have two facebook accouts its working very well.

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