This is the second year that we, Adam and I attended what is known as PodCamp. SearchCamp is also part of the conference, but less emphasis is put on search. This year, the conference could be called SocialMediaCamp and it would be appropriate. Regardless of the name, the conference was great.

Today I’m going to list and give a brief description of the sessions that I attended. Later this week/month, I will go into more detail about each of these subjects.

The first session I attended was How to Calculate Social Media ROI – this was lead by Christopher S. Penn. He was an excellent presenter – very dynamic, interesting and funny (always important). The session basically showed a high level approach to calculating ROI from Social Media.

Next session I attended was All About PPC – presented by Greg Meyers of iGesso. This session went over the basics of PPC – which I believe is always good to get back to the basics and hear from an expert in the field.

The next session was also lead by Greg Meyers and this was on keyword research. I chose this class because, as of late I’ve been struggling with all the different tools used for keyword research. The data I get from each tool, some paid, some free, cannot be compared. I don’t believe any of the results from these tools are accurate. This class, however seemed to be sponsored by Trellian.

The last session on Saturday was Measuring with Analytics taught by Brian Cosgrove, a former colleague of mine. This session was great; it was a high level look at analytics, Google Analytics in particular, but I still picked up a lot of new and interesting information.

All-in-all it was a great and informative day. Tomorrow I’ll tell you what sessions I attended on Sunday of PodCamp Philly.