A picture is worth a thousand words and an infographic may be worth even more than that. While web content is quickly becoming one of the things people read most, it is also notoriously challenging to capture the attention of those readers and keep them engaged. That’s where the infographic comes in. A visually appealing compilation of facts and data designed to keep the reader engaged, infographics are like eye-candy for web readers who love to browse, skim and glean information rather than actually read and digest it.

The Advantages of Using Infographics for Link building

Link building is the foundation of SEO. Infographics lend themselves to being a super-tool for creating in-bound links to a website. Being a single image makes them easy to embed in other sites. Being visually interesting makes them very likely to go viral. Well-designed infographics are easy to remember and often have a long life span. This makes them stand out from other link building tools like articles and blogs.

Infographics take advantage of who we are. By nature, humans are both lazy and attracted by looks. If we can get our information neatly packaged in an easy to consume, pretty package, people are much more likely to take it than to slog through text, spreadsheets or bar charts. They are also much more likely to share something that is visually stimulating than something that is not.

Helping An Infographic Succeed

While infographics can be gold for website rankings, not just any infographic will do. Knowing the right components to include and the things you can add to help your infographic succeed is critical. Make sure that the information you use in your graphic is legitimate and interesting. Look for a unique spin on the information you are presenting. Pay as much attention to the graphic design as you do the actual content. A boring infographic is sure to fail, despite the quality of the content.

Make your infographic easily shareable. Provide an embed code under the image to make it easy for others to copy it to their site. Share it in as many places as you can and through as many social networks as possible. Add social sharing buttons on the page with your infographic to encourage others to share. In order to get the best SEO benefits possible, you should also include web content on the same page as your graphic that summarizes the content in it.

SEO Strategists Embrace Infographics

Infographics deliver the kind of results SEO strategists are looking for. While there still needs to be promotion following the creation of the infographic, the site that creates these powerful tools will find that once the initial efforts are made, infographics spread organically. Web users love infographics and your well-crafted ones are likely to be picked up and reposted again and again. This is what every SEO strategist dreams of.

Infographics are one of the best link building tools to hit the Internet. They provide the links that search engines love while appealing to actual people. Quality infographics provide the stimulus for natural linking that pays off big time in search engine results. Get the quantity and quality of links of various types that search engines love, and watch your site’s page rank go through the roof by making infographics a part of your SEO strategy.

Take a look at this infographic by iSatelliteTV. It is both visually appealing, timely and the data is interesting.

Super Bowl Ad Infographic


Author Bio: Frank is an SEO strategist for satellite internet companies and wireless internet providers.