Our SEO Services

At Baldy Dog Search Strategies, our forte is search marketing. We don’t design websites; we don’t build websites. We do search. Because all we do is search marketing we’re able to stay on top of the ever-changing world of search marketing. We attend many Search Marketing conferences every year; we read the reputable search forums. We do our best to know or anticipate changes that will affect our clients’ search campaigns. We are always monitoring updates to Google and other search engines.
We offer a wide selection of Search Marketing services and we use a variety of techniques to drive qualified traffic to our client’s sites.
From Mom and Pops to Fortune 500 companies, we have experience developing the online authority of all sorts of eCommerce and BtoB types of sites.
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Check out our individual service pages in the navigation to the left, or contact us by phone or email for more information regarding your online marketing needs.